Face oils for winter
Once the weather starts turning colder, my skin dries up like crazy and I know it’s time to mix up some oils for my face.
I make my own oil blends because it is super easy to do, I know exactly what’s in it, and it’s less expensive than buying a product from the store.
Maria Rayma from humblebee and me is someone I’ve followed for a lot of years. She’s based in Canada and has a really fabulous website full of recipes for hair and skin care and more. A ton of recipes. And they’re really good ones.
She is very knowledgeable and has done a ton of research as well as written a book, Make it up: The essential guide to DIY makeup & skin care. So, of course I turned to her website for information on which oils I wanted to mix together and put on my face.
Here’s a list of oils I like and a little bit of information on each -
apricot kernel oil - fast absorbency, thin and smooth, relatively inexpensive, lasts at least two years
argan oil - average absorbency speed, light, can use it neat or in a blend, expensive, lasts about two years
borage oil - slower absorbing, heavy, good for mature skin, lasts about two years
evening primrose oil - very slow absorbing, thick and heavy, incredible at battling acne, lasts about a year
fractionated coconut oil - fast absorbing, thin, inexpensive, lasts at least two years
hazelnut oil - very fast absorbing, thin and smooth, less expensive than rosehip, lasts at least two years
jojoba oil - average absorbency with a satiny finish, fantastic moisturizer, lasts at least two years
rosehip oil - super fast absorbing, thin and smooth, great for acne-prone and mature skin, lasts at least one year
sweet almond oil - average absorbency, smooth, versatile oil, lasts at lest two years
tamanu oil - average absorbency, smooth and rich oil, great for scars, acne, psoriasis & eczema, lasts up to two years
There are a lot more carrier oils you could choose from and Marie has an encyclopedia of them on her site.
I’ve used this face oil from Naad Naturals and I like it, but of course, it’s less expensive to make it on your own. That being said, I don’t always feel like mixing up my own blends so I will sometimes just buy some.
But, when I am more ambitious, this is the recipe I will use.
Try it out.
See how you like it.
Let me know what you liked or didn’t or how it worked for your skin.