We’re glad you’re here!

Health is a complex and important subject.

We’d like to help simplify some of that.

There are many different kinds of healthcare professionals and they all have their areas of expertise. But, you have an area of expertise, too. Your own body! You know yourself better than anyone and there are a lot of things you can to do take care of yourself - things that maybe our great grandparents used to do but things we don’t know about anymore.

We’re going to teach you some of those ways. Like what a poultice is for and how to make one. (It’s very easy, I promise) And what to do if your child gets an ear ache (you can take care of it at home).

We believe in the body’s innate ability to heal itself. And - when the body has too much to handle, we believe we can support that innate healing ability and give the body just enough of a boost to get things back to normal again.

There is Joy in having good health!

We want to support you in finding that joy and empower you in taking back more control of your health and your life.